Bringing the world to Birmingham. That's what the Birmingham Music Club has been doing best since 1905. They aim to present amazing artists of local, national and international renown...quality music, both classical, harmonic, and even symphonic. Their four public performances embody either one or all of those elements. For more information about their promotional deals, including ticket giveaways, please visit their website
or their Twitter page at (@musicclubbham).
Black Warrior Riverkeeper
Black Warrior Riverkeeper's mission is to protect and restore the Black Warrior River and its tributaries. They are a citizen-based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving water quality, habitat, recreation, and public health throughout our patrol area, the Black Warrior River watershed. This vital river basin is home to over a million people and is entirely contained within Alabama, America's leading state for freshwater biodiversity. Throughout the watershed, their staff identifies major pollution problems and works on cleaning them up while increasing public awareness. For more information abuot Black Warrior Riverkeeper, please visit their website.